

The life of Bernard Shaw

In Britain George Bernard Shaw was so popular that it is declared the second playwright in the English theater after Shakespeare. The winner of the Nobel prize for literature in 1925, refused the cash prize, struck the European public for his satirical plays, paradoxical statements, and socialist views. Show in 1931, the year visited met and became the best advocate way of life in the West. Nevertheless, his “bourgeois” in essence, but the content of the play, including the famous “Pygmalion”, which is repeatedly portrayed, won venue of the largest cities in the world.

To 36 years of age Show a native of Dublin was a complete loser. He couldn’t find himself neither in music his mother and sister sang and played music, no bureaucratic or in the field of journalism. Even as a writer, he was not held. His five novels did not want to publish none of the London publishing house. And as a politician, he also failed to break: giving speeches that promoted socialist ideas, which few people attracted. His irrepressible nature demanded something like that, where he could be better than others, in which he would not be equal.

The show was an educated man, though never studied, spent much time in the reading room of the British Museum, but haven’t delivered much the place of musical criticism in one of the evening Newspapers.

Somehow he became interested in the work of the famous Norwegian playwright Henry Ibsen, who was recognized as the founder of the European “new drama”. Buy gifts to first graders with delivery in the shortest possible time. Reading his plays, viewing them in the theater convinced Show that he can. In 1892 he wrote his first play, “widower House”, which ironically expressed respect to the institution of marriage. He tried to attach it but the theaters refused to accept it, though the Directors found it amusing.

Show stubbornly continued to write his “social” plays had not forgotten about the reviews, sometimes on the streets became speaker. And overstrained. If not for the appearance on its horizon, Charlotte Payne thousand, rich, patroness to the arts, loves the theater, he hardly got out of the disease. She not only came out of a sick Show, but also helped him establish myself as a playwright.

In 1902 the London theatre called “Independent” staged “the House of the widower”. The play received a cool reception by the public, but discussion in the press testified to the affected subject. Bernard Shaw began the following story appeared in “the devil’s Disciple”, “Arms and the man”. In London, they are not set, but in Vienna and in Berlin the success was complete. His play went in the United States. The show was recognized abroad. Later in the UK, woke up, put the earliest plays of the playwright, recognized his skill and called the second after Shakespeare.

In London “The Mole”, “Candida”, “Wait and see”, “Man and Superman”. In his plays there was little action but a lot of sense. His characters talked, taught, criticized, not afraid to call a spade a spade, did not hide their sentiments and feelings. It was a novelty. The show was mercilessly ridiculed by the ugly and vulgar side of English life. The lords turned up noses, the common people passionately clapping. The British public accustomed to Show and its paradoxes.

During the First world war, the Show was not afraid to speak out critically against war, and in his play “House of broken heart” predicted a future tragic event. In the next play, “Saint John”, about Joan of Arc for some reason he denounced his character and considered a death sentence to her quite natural. The public refused to understand it.

He gave a most cordial welcome. It almost wore on his hands. The playwright took himself, had a long conversation with him. Shaw was fascinated by the land and arrived in London, lashed out at the bourgeois conservative principles that have no future. Whether it is a promised land.

Shaw lived a long, vibrant, physically active life he died at ninety four years. The old man forgave his “kinks”. He was a living monument to classic English and world drama, and the monuments do not criticize.

When George Bernard Shaw was asked about his health, he replied. Fine, fine, I only bother the doctors, claiming that I die, because I do not eat meat. When asked the same question, he replied. Fine. More me no worries. All the doctors who tortured me, claiming that I can’t live without meat, have died.

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